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Safe and Cost-Effective: Beacon Safety Ltd Launches UN-Certified Asbestos Waste Bags

Beacon Safety Ltd, a leading provider of safety equipment and solutions in New Zealand, is proud to announce the launch of its UN-certified asbestos waste bags, exclusively available in the New Zealand marketplace. The bags have been UK-tested and approved by WorkSafe NZ for the safe removal and containment of asbestos waste. Asbestos waste disposal…

Beacon Saftey recognized by New Zealand Government for Face Fit Testing 

Beacon Saftey Ltd Wins COVID-19 Response Recognition Award from the New Zealand Government for Face Fit Testing in New Zealand. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Beacon Saftey Ltd has risen to the challenge and been recognized by the New Zealand government for its outstanding efforts. Specifically, we have been awarded the COVID-19 Response…

ABC Asbestos Binding Compound – An Effective Solution for Asbestos Contamination

What is ABC – Asbestos Binding Compound? ABC- Asbestos Binding Compound is a high solids asbestos encapsulant/ sealant designed to protect against physical damage from chipping and intentionally manipulating brittle materials such as fireproofing or insulation. The durable composition of ABC allows for dilution with water, which makes it ideal when specific needs exist in…

Beacon Saftey Acquires Toro Ltd

Beacon Safety Acquires Toro Ltd

Beacon Safety Ltd. is delighted to announce to all our customers and suppliers that it has purchased Toro Ltd’s business.  This acquisition will enable us to offer our customers an even more comprehensive range of products and services and provide us with a larger footprint in the market. We are confident this will be a…

The LINQ - Essential Basic Roofers Kit By Beacon Safety Ltd

5 Types of Safety Harnesses and When to Use Them

We will cover the different types of safety harnesses available on the market and explain when you should use them. When working at height, you need to use the correct safety harnesses to minimize the risk of injury. The importance of safety harnesses.  The importance of safety harnesses is not only limited to the fact…

Mask Care and Maintenance: How-to-Guide

Mask Care and Maintenance: How-to-Guide

Masks or respiratory protective equipment (RPE) are designed for the protection of the user and to help prevent the inhalation of hazardous materials such as asbestos which can cause serious long-term health conditions later in life. It is crucial that this equipment is not neglected as it can have severe impacts on protection levels, so…

What is the best type of coverall for my project?

What is the best type of coverall for my project?

Protective coveralls are essential depending on the work being carried out. There are also different types of coveralls that will be impacted by the environment and substances the worker is going to come into contact with or be exposed to. Establishing what chemicals or materials the worker is going to encounter is key to deciding…

Mask Care and Maintenance: How-to-Guide

Why are face fit tests important?

Mask face fittings are important to protect you and your team from hazardous materials such as asbestos and dust particles on site. There is increasing awareness of the long-term health impacts of inhaling hazardous materials or even just dust particles on site. More than ever, this highlights how essential it is to not just wear…

Is it better for a business to buy or hire a mobile decontamination unit

Is it better for a business to buy or hire a decontamination unit?

Decontamination units are a legal requirement for contractors when working on licensed asbestos removal projects, this means you must have units on-site to comply with WorkSafe ACOP: Management and Removal of Asbestos.  Decon units are also a sizable investment for any business so depending on the companies size and their budget, the volume of projects…