What does NATA certification mean for your company?
Beacon Safety are the exclusive NZ distributors of Hazibag, the only NATA tested and certified hazardous waste FIBC available in New Zealand. But what does NATA certification mean for your company?
Product Quality
To make credible high-level claims with respect to a Product’s testing, certification and more importantly performance, testing must meet the standards of the country in which the product is sold.
Internationally, NATA accredited laboratories receive recognition, allowing their reports and scientific data to be accepted in overseas markets creating substantial market opportunities. This international recognition also helps to reduce costs for manufacturers and exporters by reducing or eliminating the need for retesting in another country.
The genuine Orange Hazibag is certified (and retested every 5 years) by Falcon Test Engineers, Australia which is a NATA Certified Testing Organisation.
As required to meet UN Certificate Standards, Hazibag Certificates clearly identify all testing procedures, results and product photos.
The certificates along with photos are available on request or are easily downloaded from our Hazibag product page here
Product Safety
Hazibag carries its own Product Liability due to its strict NATA testing and certification regimen. You can be assured that Hazibag will meet its claims with respect to:
⦁ Dangerous Goods Ratings
⦁ Capacity and SAFE Working Load (Safety Factor Test Rating of 6 to 1)
Mitigate the Risk to your Business in the event of product failure, please ensure that the FIBC you are using:
⦁ Is tested and certified to AUS/NZ Standards; NOT overseas standards!
⦁ Can credibly meet stated performance standards; for example, does the SWL make sense for the product’s size and capacity?
⦁ Certificates can be provided that meet UN Standards; clearly showing all testing actions, results and photos……if its not on the certificate what was actually tested?